
No bandleader is an island. Especially not this one.

Therefore, take note: if you like LEEF, the fact that it exists at all is due to a number of quite amazing people:

Everyone who played in the band in 07.

Everyone who came to a show in 07.

Everyone who booked us or helped us get a gig in 07: Ruud Wijkniet, Huub van Riel, Darcy James Argue, Tom Lubelczyk, Mike Baggetta, Kris Tiner, Mike Hood, Doug Davis, James Romeo, Chuck Perrin, Midpoint Music Festival, Linda Dachtyl, Steve Perakis, the meembers of Reptet (all of ‘em).

My dear friends Sarah Shute and Matt Smith. They hate for me to make a big deal about this, but trust me: if it weren’t for them, LEEF certainly wouldn’t have come out in 2008, if at all.

And of course, Daphne and Thandie.

I’m lucky, lucky, lucky.

So we’re not really industrial. Were The Beatles really insects?