So Durkin sent me an email about this post.
I read the article (and a few others – Copyblogger may become a regular read for me) and I found myself thinking about the website. It really doesn’t seem all that trustworthy. Oh – don’t get me wrong – it’s not like I think that it looks skeevy or like something that you should be concerned about – it just doesn’t look to me like someplace to spend money. Let’s face it – it would be really great if the site brought in some more money for the band to ease at least that burden a bit.
This got me to thinking about what people might want to see to make them a bit more comfortable with the idea of ordering cds and other merchandise through the site. The article mentions anti-hacker and BBB badges. Anyone have anything else? What would make you feel more comfortable?
I’d like to see a catalog (or even just a list) of the infamous IJG T-Shirt designs!