Every last bell hum together and whistle

Greetings from lovely Southern California

To quote Will Ferrell portraying Alex Trebek, I was hoping we could have a fun-filled evening with a “minimum of ethnic slurs.”

I’m not sure how the John Waters came out on the video; I shaved the rest of it promptly after shutting off the camera

things are well in the San Fernando Valley

3 thoughts on “Every last bell hum together and whistle”

  1. Your grin and laugh at 1:04 makes me SO happy! Bahahahaha! Wheeee!

    Perhaps some brown mascara on the blonde mustache would make it stand out a bit more… but that might be more effort than you’re willing to give to this. I know Mr. Waters has been known to fix his shaving errors with black eyeliner.

    Hmmm. I’m thinking your next mustache attempt should be the Hulk Hogan (the upside down horse-shoe). That’d be pretty rad.

    Had I inherited my maternal side of the family’s hirsute Italian genes, for I’d be shaving patterns into my face right along with ya. But I’m pretty much bald from the eyes down.

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