Tag Archives: schwag

The artist at work…

I’m sure we can all agree that nothing says “sexy!” like a chick in rubber gloves.

The "artist" at work
It’s true– I really do make the band T-shirts in my garage. They even smell like my laundry detergent, because the paint adheres to the fabric mo’ bettah if they’re washed first. See? Quality control!

Our shirts are guaranteed to be 100% unique and pet-hair free. No animals were harmed during the T-shirt making process, and they were manufactured in a garage that does not process peanuts or soy. Safe for the whole family! We eliminate the middleman and pass the savings on to you! [Insert cliché of your choice here!]

The best news is that if your favorite size/design/color combination is sold out at the show, you can leave a note and cashola with Matt (he’s the hunky schwag handler) and I’ll custom make one for you and pop it in the mail pronto.

See you on the west coast!


Band schwag

Other than our neat garage-made shirts, IJG has been relatively schwagless at shows. Sometimes folks don’t want to invest in the vestments as it were, so for this tour we’ll also have an assortment of IJG bumper stickers for sale.

You like those ovals with the three bold letters in ’em? Conveniently, our band name fits the three-letter acronym pattern quite nicely.

You like the traditional 3 x 10″ white bumper sticker (suitable for sticking on stop signs)? We’ll have those too, emblazoned with Phil “Sonny Rollins” Rodriguez’ pseudo-query: “What’s industrial jazz?”

One of these days I’ll be able to sell our schwag online, as soon as I am better able to make WordPress do my bidding. Until then, come to a show and visit Matt at our schwag table, or email me and we’ll tawk.

See you soon?
